With each Guest Bartender Program event you get: 

2,250 Facebook Event Invitation Views: Each event has 18 guest bartenders who are instructed and constantly reminded to invite 125 people each to the event through the Facebook Event where your logo is displayed= 2,250 potential views

1,440 Communications: Each of the 18 bartenders forward communications to at least 20 people, once a week for four weeks leading up to the event= 1,440 emails with your logo

144,000 Social Media Views: Each bartender has an average of 1,000 Facebook friends and many have Instagram Followers. Each bartender posts curated status updates with your logo once a week for four weeks leading up to the event.  Each bartender is instructed to recruit a significant other (spouse/sibling/adult child/relative/co-worker/friend) to do the same, once a week for four weeks leading up to the event= 18 Bartenders x 1,000 Friends x 4 weeks x A significant other doing the same equals 144,000 potential views per event

Millions of Impressions: We do over 70 events per year.  Between emails, Facebook Event Invitations, and Social Media update impressions, each event has a potential 147,690 views. 70 Events x 147,690 views= 10,338,300 potential views.  With even only a 50% 'compliance' by the bartenders to forward the emails and make their status updates, etc., your impression can be viewed over 5,000,000 times/year.

It is important to note that these views are more valuable than traditional views that you would receive from traditional paid media.  This is because these are 'Warm' views, embedded in messaging coming from trusted loved ones, friends and family, not 'Cold' paid views promoted by a company.  Marketers call this 'Earned' media vs. 'Paid' media.  Another name for Earned Media is Word of Mouth, and positive word of mouth is what every brand strives to achieve far more than having to pay for advertising. 

Our system achieves just that- a positive association of your brand with a trusted friend/family member/loved one/co-worker from their local community who is volunteering for a charitable cause.  It is a much more effective form of branding.  It doesn't get any better than that!

Pricing: Our pricing model and rates closely mirror that other social media platforms.

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